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TLILIC0024 Licence to Operate a Vehicle Loading Crane (capacity 10 metre tonne and above)

TLILIC0024 Licence to Operate a Vehicle Loading Crane (capacity 10 metre tonne and above)

Vehicle Loading Crane (CV)

TLILIC0024 – Licence to operate a vehicle loading crane (capacity 10 metre tonnes and above)

This unit specifies the skills and knowledge required to safely operate a vehicle loading crane with a Maximum Rated Capacity (MRC) of 10 metre tonnes or more. Competence in this unit, does not in itself result in a High-Risk Work Licence (HRWL) to operate this plant.

Vehicle loading crane means a crane mounted on a vehicle for loading and unloading the vehicle.

A person performing this work is required to hold a vehicle loading crane HRWL.

This unit requires a person operating a slewing vehicle loading crane with a MRC of 10 metre tonnes or more to:

  • plan for the work/task
  • prepare for the work/task
  • perform work/task
  • pack up.

Licensing/Regulatory Information

Legislative and regulatory requirements are applicable to this unit of competency.

This unit is based on the licensing requirements of Part 4.5 of the Model Work Health and Safety (WHS) regulations and meets Commonwealth, state and territory HRWL requirements.

The National Assessment Instrument (NAI) is the mandated assessment for the HRWL to operate the relevant licencing class as detailed in this unit.

Course duration

4-5 days dependent upon learner industry experience and the ability to retain knowledge and apply practical application

Course Pre-requisite:


Training and assessment is undertaken under the auspice of the Australian Registered Training Organisation (RTO) Total Management & Training (RTO No: 31178). Information about this RTO can be found by visiting or at

For more information, visit: – TLILIC0024 – Licence to operate a vehicle loading crane (capacity 10 metre tonnes and above)